We make your renting experience as easy and professional as possible. We use professional vendors (painters, handymen, plumbers, carpet cleaners, etc) to ensure that your unit is in good condition. We inspect the work performed to ensure that everything is ready before you move in.
Please view our Available Rentals Page
To ensure it meets your standards and expectations.
60 days prior to their availability date.
Each person 18 years of age or older that is planning to occupy the property.
We request you bring in the most recent 2 check stubs or signed documentation in writing from your employer. We can also use 2 years of tax returns.
You have the option to use a co-signer.
Bad credit score, Tax Lien, No credit, and do not make enough to money to comfortably cover the rent.
The Property Manager will contact applicant to inform him/her.
Varies by property, please view our Available Rentals for more information.
It is not required by HIGHLY recommended.
Greenwood County:
Wexford Condominiums:
Manning Street Homes:
Rent is due on the 1st of every month